Writing Workshop: Creating a Story World

1911733_10152086522562886_145343797_nBWC affiliate small hushed waves have cracked their knuckles and come up with another workshop for your writerly consideration. Here’s small hushed waves manager (and BWC member) Clare Taylor with some more information:

“This workshop will be of particular interest to those writing sci-fi and children’s stories, but the lessons learned are of equal value to all kinds of writing.

Every story, from realistic slice-of-life short stories to epic fantasy and sci-fi novels, operate with their own characters, geography, people, and rules.

In this workshop we’ll look at ways to develop the world of your story. We’ll find the hidden assumptions underlying your fiction and look at ways of making them work for your story.”

When? Sunday, March 23, 2014
Where? Sterling Books, Brussels
Time? 14:00 – 16:30
Cost? €20
How do I sign up? Simply shoot an email to smallhushedwaves at gmail.com
What do I bring? Pen, paper, perspicacity (but mainly the first two)

We look forward to seeing you there!